Sϵv϶n Price: US $4.99

Release History

2.3 May 2021
  • Universal App for Apple Silicon and Intel Macs
  • Embedded universal Subversion client for macOS 10.13+
2.2 Aug 2016 The shortcut for New > Plain Text Document changed to ⇧⌘N (command-shift-N) to avoid a conflict with macOS Sierra window tabs.
2.1 Feb 2016 Maintenance release taking advantage of the latest OS X releases.
2.0.1 Nov 2014 Maintenance release. Improves compatibility with latest OS X releases.
2.0 Nov 2013 Extends VCS support to include Git. Integrates VCS and Mac OS X Versions. And more…
1.0 July 2013 First version of Sϵv϶n.

Minimum Requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.9
  • Apple Silicon or Intel 64-bit system

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